Too much money on a mascot

Elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, universities and professionals sports all have one thing in common, that is they all have a mascot.

A mascot can symbolize various things such as school spirit, represent the school and even represent students in sporting events. But one question is raised, is it worth the money to have a person inside of a costume running around campus or a sporting event?

Courtesy of Cerritos College.
Courtesy of Cerritos College.

Cerritos College recently coughed up $10,000 to get a new mascot suit and to have a person run around in the suit. That is an exorbitant amount of money to spend on a mascot.

Those $10,000 could have been used for more classes, upgrading the drinking fountains on campus, maintaining the campus clean and many other important aspects to improve student life on campus.

Having school spirit is good don’t get me wrong, but Cerritos College is a community college not a university or a high school. Most people go to a community college to eventually transfer to a university and get a degree in whatever career they are pursuing.

Meaning most people are not here to indulge themselves into any type of school spirit because they are too busy focusing on classes or maybe even work.

School spirit isn’t something that students at a community college even care. High school and universities are more fit for that because students spend more time in those schools and aren’t as heavily focused to get out of the school as students at a community college.

Funding a mascot was a waste of time and money. Leave the school spirit for the high schools and universities and instead focusing on student success.